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FREE Will!

HRI has partnered with Safewill to offer the chance to write a free Will during Free Wills Week.

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Alcoholic drinks, such as beer, spirits and wine, contain the depressant drug ethyl alcohol (ethanol). Depressants inhibit many of the brain’s functions, such as slowing down its control of the body, with even just small amounts affecting important functions like speech and movement.

Alcohol can affect the heart and almost all of the body’s systems.

Understanding the connection between alcohol and high blood pressure

Immediate effects of alcohol on blood pressure

At the time of drinking, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and then carried throughout the body, with a temporary increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

Regular excessive drinking has a clear link to ongoing high blood pressure.

Alcohol-related health risks for individuals with high blood pressure

Long-term impacts on heart health

Over time, high blood pressure puts strain on the heart muscle and can lead to cardiovascular disease, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Excessive drinking over the long-term can also lead to narrowed arteries through atherosclerosis, weakened heart muscle and atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat), all of which also increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

How much can I drink?

Factors that can affect your tolerance for alcohol

Factors such as age, mental health, existing medical conditions and drug use can affect the impact of alcohol on an individual.

Current Australian guidelines advise that healthy adults drink no more than 10 standard drinks per week, and no more than four standard drinks on any day, to reduce the risk of alcohol-related disease or injury.

For those under 18, pregnant or breastfeeding, no alcohol should be consumed.

Always speak to your doctor if you have health concerns about alcohol.

What is HRI doing?

The Atherosclerosis and Vascular Remodelling Group is researching the cellular and molecular mechanisms behind atherosclerosis to help prevent and treat cardiovascular disease. By preventing and even reversing vascular disease, this research will help prevent heart attack and stroke.

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HRI has partnered with Safewill to…

Write my FREE Will