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Keeping fit: how to do the right exercise for your age


The type and amount of exercise you should do changes as you age, so follow this simple guide for tips on the right type of exercise for your stage of life.

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7 tips for sticking to your goals


Almost half of all adults say they make yearly resolutions, but only about 10 per cent of people manage to stick to them. Here are seven tips to help you stick to your health and fitness goals.

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Sleep apnoea, high blood pressure and cardiovascular health: joining the dots


Dr Melissa Farnham answers some common questions about sleep apnoea, its symptoms, differences between men and women, and what we can all do about it.

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Food for fitness: is it better to eat before or after exercise?


There’s a lot of confusion surrounding food intake and exercise – is it better to eat beforehand or afterwards? And what type of exercise benefits most from eating?

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How to help your body recover after exercise


Exercising is only the first part in improving our heart health and overall wellbeing. The benefits are determined by our post-exercise recovery.

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Extra hygiene precautions won't weaken our immune systems


There have been suggestions that using hand sanitiser and practising other hygiene measures too often could weaken our immune system.

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Which face mask should I wear?


There are many different ways to cover your face to protect against infectious diseases. Each type has its pros and cons.

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4 unusual things we’ve learned about the coronavirus since the start of the pandemic


As the number of people infected with the coronavirus grows, so does our knowledge of how it spreads, how it affects the body, and the range of symptoms it causes.

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How to set up your own exercise program


Working out at home or in the office – and giving your heart health a boost – has never been easier.

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