How do I improve my motivation to exercise when I really hate it? 10 science-backed tips
If you dislike exercising, as many do, find out how to overcome this to gain the life-saving benefits of getting the body moving.
3 simple things to take care of your heart health
Your heart health is one thing you can keep an eye on together with your doctor. Here are three simple things you can do to take care of it.
12 ways to finally achieve your most elusive goals
Setting goals that are “SMART” – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant (to you) and time-bound – is one of the best ways to stick to a resolution. Here's how.
Hydration and your heart
Proper hydration is essential for your heart, especially after exercising. Staying well hydrated helps your heart do its job and more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to your muscles. This in turn helps your muscles work more effectively.
Should you really use your smartwatch or fitness wearable to monitor your heart?
Wearable devices that can record your pulse can be handy for tracking your fitness – but can you really use them to monitor for an irregular heartbeat?
Even mild COVID raises the chance of heart attack and stroke. What to know about the risks ahead
Even a mild case of COVID can increase the long-term risks of serious cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, heart attack and heart failure.
Had gestational diabetes? Here are 5 things to help lower your future risk of type 2 diabetes
Gestational diabetes during pregnancy can increase future risk of heart disease. Here are 5 tips to help lower your risk.
Regaining fitness after COVID infection can be hard
Regaining fitness after COVID infection can be hard. Here are 5 things to keep in mind before you start exercising again
The effects of long COVID on the heart
The impact of COVID long term is yet to be seen, and more data about “long COVID” needs to be gathered, but here’s what we know so far.