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7 heart health mistakes among women and how you avoid them


To help you stay ahead of heart health problems, here are some heart health mistakes you should keep in mind with solutions to help avoid them.

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10 tips for feeling great and living longer


Here are our top 10 tips to help you stick to New Year's resolutions for the long term.

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Learn time management to make those New Year’s resolutions stick


This year, instead of making new resolutions that will take you more time, resolve to learn a skill that will make you more time.

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COVID-19 vaccines and low risk of pericarditis and myocarditis


Professor David Celermajer, cardiologist and Clinical Research Group Leader at the Heart Research Institute, answers some common questions around mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and their potential to cause pericarditis and myocarditis.

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A paramedic’s perspective on stroke


A stroke can happen at any time. Usually when you least expect it. If you have any combination of stroke symptoms, you urgently need to call emergency services to get paramedics to assess you, or at least get to hospital as soon as possible.

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How COVID affects the heart, according to a cardiologist


Among the many ways COVID-19 can damage our health, the virus can affect the heart and directly cause a range of heart complications.

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Core strength: why is it important and how do you maintain it?


Many people have become more sedentary, which may have impacted core strength. But why is it important to have good core strength?

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Cardiac rehabilitation exercising after a cardiac event or diagnosis


Returning to exercise after a cardiac event or diagnosis? Here's your guide for getting back on track with cardiac rehabilitation exercises.

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A paramedic’s perspective on heart attacks


What would you do if you had sudden onset chest pain? Would you wait, hoping it would go away, or would you call emergency services?

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