Keeping up with exercise over the holidays
Holidays can seem like the perfect time to socialise, eat and avoid responsibility for a few days. Here are some tips to help you get in some exercise, but still enjoy the holiday season.
Choosing the right exercise for you
Exercise is one of the best ways to boost your heart health and overall wellbeing, but choosing one to suit your goals and abilities can be daunting. Here are some comparisons of different types of exercise to help you make the best choice for you.
Are there better exercises for women and men?
In general, the size of a man’s heart is larger than a woman’s. So if you’re looking to take care of your heart health, are there better exercises depending on whether you’re male or female?
How to adopt healthier habits
Deciding to take your heart health into your own hands by making some healthier behaviour changes is the first step. But how long do you need to keep up with these changes before they become habit?
The best exercise choices when starting out
With all the choices out there today and mixed messages on what is the absolute best type of exercise, it can be daunting deciding which exercise will win your heart and give you the best bang for your buck – financially and with regard to fitness outcomes.
7 ways to avoid injuries when starting to exercise
If you’re looking to take charge of your heart health and overall wellbeing, exercise is one of the best ways. It can take a lot of willpower and motivation to get into an exercise program, and the last thing you want is for a simple and avoidable injury to derail you. Whether you’re returning to exercise after an absence, or starting from scratch, here are some ideas to help you get into it safely.
Common injuries when starting to exercise
If you’ve decided to take your heart health into your own hands with a new exercise program, that’s great! But it’s important to be aware of the common injuries that could happen that could put you off your game – and how to avoid them.
How to warm up properly
Exercise is one of the best things you can do for your heart health and overall wellbeing – and the most important preparation for any movement or exercise is an appropriate warm-up.
How to work out without leaving the house
Exercise has well-documented benefits for decreasing the risk of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, but more than half of Australians are not getting enough physical activity. For many people, the hardest part of exercising is building the motivation to actually start doing it. For others, the expense of a gym or buying special equipment or activewear just isn’t in the budget.