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HRI has partnered with Safewill to offer the chance to write a free Will during Free Wills Week.

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HRI’s love of ‘everything science’ and desire to spread the enthusiasm to the next generation has seen major steps in Deadly Science’s latest initiative.

HRI enthusiastically joined the charity Deadly Science in helping to provide science resources and books to some of the remotest schools in Australia.

Seven schools located across Broome (WA), Quaama (NSW), Katherine (NT), and Herberton and Mount Isa (QLD), participated in the Deadly Steps competition. HRI pedometers were sent to each child to wear for a month to count their steps, with the winner being whoever had the most steps at the end of the competition.

This was a fan­tas­tic oppor­tu­ni­ty to help these chil­dren make the link between exer­cise and hav­ing a healthy heart,” says Simone Schoen­waelder, Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor at HRI who helped spear­head the initiative.

The winners were seven primary school Groote Eylandt boys aged between six to nine years who attend Julatten State School in Far North Queensland. They won a large variety of schoolbooks, covering topics ranging from the human body to space, animals, the oceans and other science wonders of the world.

“Their smiles and enthusiasm were contagious,” says Assoc Prof Schoenwaelder. “They had so many questions about the nature and science all around them. All our staff at HRI and I can’t wait to work with Deadly Science again.”

Deadly Science was founded by 2020 NSW Young Australian of the Year Corey Tutt, who felt motivated to supply science books after discovering one school library had just 15 for the whole school community. Mr Tutt is an Aboriginal of Kamilaroi country and has a love for science, agriculture, history and animals.

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