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Jialin Li is a primary care Registered Nurse, and an MPhil of Nursing candidate at The University of Sydney. She is also working as a research assistant on an atrial fibrillation screening study (AF SMART), that is currently being implemented in metro and rural general practices in New South Wales, Australia.

Jialin’s clinical experience includes immunisation, chronic disease management and preventative care. Her research experience includes secondary prevention of cardiac diseases in the Chinese communities and atrial fibrillation screening and stroke prevention in the community. Her role as a general practice nurse puts her in close contact with patients in the community and is an asset in conducting research involving this cohort. 

Her MPhil project and special interest is in helping local healthcare professionals to better communicate with Chinese-speaking cardiac patients. Her goal is to improve the cardiac disease knowledge of Chinese patients to lead to better self-care. Jialin is fluent in both Mandarin and Cantonese dialects, which are helpful in communicating with Chinese patients with limited English proficiency.  


Collaboration with researchers in Toyama (Japan) to investigate the incremental yield of annual screening

Patient self-screening using a smartphone ECG to identify recurrence of postoperative atrial fibrillation after non-cardiac surgery and medical admissions in Concord Hospital, Royal Perth Hospital, and Gosford Hospital

Collaboration with the Poche Centre to screen for atrial fibrillation in Indigenous Australians in remote and rural NSW, NT, and WA

Patient self-screening for atrial fibrillation in general practice using screening stations