Associate Professor Mary Kavurma is Group Leader of the Vascular Complications Group and Associate Director of Research and Education at the Heart Research Institute. She is Associate Professor at the University of Sydney. Mary received her PhD in 2003 from the Centre for Vascular Research at the University of New South Wales, and in 2004 moved to the UK, Cambridge University after she was awarded a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia CJ Martin Fellowship. After returning to Sydney in 2007, she established her independent research, joining the Heart Research Institute as Head of the Vascular Complications Group in 2013.
Mary’s research interests are focused on understanding fundamental mechanisms in molecular and cellular biology leading to intimal thickening, atherosclerosis, and its complications including coronary artery and peripheral artery disease. She has held numerous Fellowships and Project grants. She plays an active role in the scientific community and was involved in the Australian Atherosclerosis Society (Secretary; Director), the Australian Vascular Biology Society (Secretary), and more recently, is Director of the Australian Cardiovascular Alliance’s Disease Mechanisms Flagship Advisory Group. Mary has an active interest in promoting medical research to the lay community. Her achievements in scientific research, communication and community engagement were acknowledged with a Young Tall Poppy Science Award.
“To succeed as a scientist, it takes diligence, determination, hard work, enthusiasm, talent and a little bit of luck.”