Associate Professor Sanjay Patel awarded NHMRC grant
Congratulations to HRI’s Associate Professor Sanjay Patel on being awarded a grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council for his COLchicine CARDIovascular Outcomes in Acute Coronary Syndrome (COLCARDIO-ACS) Study.
HRI’s Summer Scholars shine
HRI said “see you soon” to 12 impressive scholars who joined us for seven weeks of real-life experience in world-class research facilities.
Dr Melissa Farnham awarded Cooper Foundation Grant
Dr Melissa Farnham has been awarded a Project Grant by the Rebecca L Cooper Foundation for her research investigating the role of the brain in the development of cardiometabolic diseases in people with obstructive sleep apnoea.
Help prevent limb amputation
Every three hours, one Australian has a limb amputated due to cardiovascular disease.
Yunjia (Carmen) Zhang receives Best Poster Award
Ms Yunjia (Carmen) Zhang received the Best Poster Award for her research focusing on the effects of selenium on atherosclerosis development, at the annual meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research (Australia & Japan).
Collaboration advancing medical research: Drs Anna Waterhouse and John O’Sullivan
Collaboration is essential to advancing medical research, so HRI are delighted that Drs Anna Waterhouse and John O’Sullivan and their multiple research collaborations are featured by the Charles Perkins Centre, The University of Sydney.
Dr Mary Kavurma awarded NHMRC Grant
Dr Mary Kavurma was awarded a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) grant for her research into stimulating blood vessel growth to bypass arterial blockages caused by cardiovascular disease.
Monitoring hearts after stroke saves lives: experts
Doctors should monitor patients for three full days after a stroke to establish if they have a common but deadly heart condition, an expert group co-founded by HRI's Professor Ben Freedman urges.
HRI Director of Cardiovascular Research in the UK
HRI’s Director of Cardiovascular Research, Professor Shaun Jackson, recently travelled to the UK to hold discussions with scientific and clinical colleagues in the UK as well as members of the British Heart Foundation (BHF) about the global state of cardiovascular disease, its impact on the community, and how we can best fight it.